
How to Track Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly Subscription in SuiteCRM

If you have a subscription based product and you want to track your subscription within SuiteCRM, it is very easy and SuiteCRM has a built-in functionality.

21 November, 2017 Update: If you ever need a running number that is automatically incremented for your invoice/receipt, Contract module cannot handle it. It is better to customize the Invoice module to add Subscription Start Date and Subscription End Date.

Tracking Subscription Dates

SuiteCRM has a concept called Contracts. Contracts has a Start Date and End Date which you may use for tracking subscription. Just like invoice, you can add multiple line items within a contract.

Marking Contract as Paid

Out of the box, Contracts have 3 statuses. If you want to customize the list, you can login as Administrator and you will see “Admin” menu item under your name on the top right corner. Scroll down to “Developer Tools” and click on “Dropdown Editor”. Search for “contract_status_list” and add any new status as per your need.

Generating Invoice/Receipt/Contract

Depending on your need, you may need to generate an invoice/receipt/contract based on your subscription product. You may use the PDF Template and customize it as per your need to generate needed document.

Reminder for Subscription expiration

There is a built-in nice feature within the contract which creates a “Call” depending on the contract Reminder field.



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